He has Risen 2024 - A Resurrection sunday play - next performance march 2025
On the eve Jesus Christ was crucified, Pontius Pilate, torn with guilt, paced the grounds, knowing he had condemned an innocent man to death, but pride got into the way. His soldiers appeared, appealing to his psyche to secure the tomb so that Christ' disciples could not steal the body and say he rose from the dead.
Pilate agrees, but as they arrive at the tomb, they are greeted by an Angel.
Terrified, they fainted and 'became as dead men,' according to the bible.
The women then head to the tomb, unaware of what has transpired, and a second encounter with the angel occurs. The Angel informs the women that 'He Has Risen!' and to go and tell the disciples that he has risen and to spread the news that Christ has died for the sins of man.
He Has Risen! will be performed again at the Trinity Missionary Baptist Church in March 2025.
Written and Directed by Robyn Gant